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Michael Lamb
    Contact: 07824 486815

    email: mlamb@michaellamb.co.uk

Michael founded the firm in 1989. He previously worked with Price Waterhouse Coopers as a Management Consultant in their Real Estate Group. He then spent three years with a specialist Executive Search practice, setting up their Property Division before leaving to form Michael Lamb Associates Ltd. Michael has worked in all
market sectors but has specialised from the outset in recruitment
at a senior level throughout the UK & Continental Europe.
Jeff Johnson   
    Contact: 07940 594093  

    email: jjohnson@mlarecruit.com

Jeff has more than 30 years experience in the property market involved in both the recruitment and publishing sectors. Jeff's expertise covers all property disciplines, however over the past 16 years Jeff has developed a strong reputation for recruiting Residential Valuers and Surveyors and is generally accepted by most as the leader in this field.